Friday 12 November 2021

5 common causes of sleep problems

 5 Common Causes Of Sleep Problems

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More than half of the UK adult population endure various sleep disruptions that affect their overall wellbeing. According to statistics, 67% of adults experience this on a daily basis. Indeed, there are several reasons behind sleep problems in adults. This article compiles just a few of the possible triggers and how they can be treated or managed. Hopefully, you can take care of yourself or help others after receiving some enlightenment on the issue.

  1. Ageing

Available data suggests that more than half of people over age sixty-five develop one type of sleep disorder that requires treatment. The numbers suggest that sleep disorders are associated with ageing. However, what remains to be explained is whether these sleep problems are a natural consequence of growing older. Indeed, medical research suggests that the body’s metabolism slows down and may explain why that gives rise to problems associated with quality sleep.

That aside, another school of thought believes that the problem could be a side effect of prescription drugs the aged population usually take to treat certain medical conditions. Therefore, it would be necessary to get a sleep disorder diagnosis from a physician before taking further steps.

  1. Teeth misalignment

Unknown to many people, obstructive sleep apnoea can be a result of teeth misalignment. When the arrangement of your dentition is outside the usual, it could lead to oral overcrowding. Unfortunately, it becomes worse when the person sleeps. Sleep apnoea arises when the tongue and other oral soft tissues become blockages interrupting smooth oxygen flow. Usually, it causes snoring and sudden gasps that rouse you from sleep. For your snoring solutions, please consider seeking appropriate medical services.

  1. Medications

The chemical composition of certain drugs gives way to sleep disorders. Typical examples are medications to treat hypertension, common cold and even pain. Additionally, some antidepressants are known to interfere with sleep. Usually, before these medications are prescribed, the physician will enquire about other drugs you may already be on. Their objective for the asking is to avoid any contraindication.

To avoid experiencing any sleep disorder brought on by medications, it is usually recommended to ask questions. The local pharmacist or your physician will be in the position to provide accurate answers to assuage your fears.

  1. Chronic pain

Logically, when you’re in pain, sleep may become elusive. Unfortunately, this is something people with chronic pain experience too often. According to studies conducted in the UK, seven out of ten chronic pain sufferers receive no more than four hours of night sleep. Those who exceed the threshold tend to experience frequent wake cycles.

Chronic conditions like arthritis, lower back pain, migraines and inflammatory bowel disease are the usual culprits. Fortunately, chronic pain sufferers can seek help from alternative therapy. According to reports, these non-conventional approaches can provide relief and ultimately resolve sleep issues.

  1. Stress and anxiety

People with chronic stress or anxiety often have high cortisol levels in the blood. This chemical is responsible for the flight or fight mechanism in the body. For this reason, a constant state of flight or fight reduces the body’s ability to sleep soundly.

It would perhaps help resolve the problem if you considered dealing with the anxiety and stress first. By attending to the root cause, you might notice an improvement in your sleep patterns.

Last but not least, allergies and upper respiratory infections could negatively impact quality sleep. When you know the root cause of your sleep disorder, it may be easier to find a suitable remedy for it.


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